Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Criminal Defense Attorney in Los Angeles

Welcome to sunny Los Angeles! A place where's constant excitement and there's never a dull moment-never. But for all of its palm trees and shady treeline streets, Los Angeles is not free from problems, including serious ones. Yes, like many other places throughout the USA, sunny and warm Los Angeles is beset by criminal acts and DUI, or Driving Under the Influence.

Sometimes the person is a victim, sometimes the defendant. But whatever the case, sooner or later they are going to need someone to legally represent them in court. That's where getting a good criminal defense lawyer in Los Angeles comes in.

Criminal defense lawyers serve as the guardians of the right. They properly represent persons whom personally or loved ones have been a victim of a criminal act. They also represent the defendant-whether they are actually guilty of a crime or not; after all, everyone's entitled to a lawyer, that's the law.

You may have been a victim of a robbery or rape, or you may have been an eyewitness to such an act. In that case, you may be called upon to be a witness or corroborating witness to such an act. And a criminal defense lawyer can help toward this end.

Perhaps you may have been a victim of a DUI, or may have been accused of such. You may feel that such a charge is groundless or even unjust. In that case. you have a right to have a criminal defense lawyer to represent you in court.

How much does it cost to hire a criminal defense lawyer? That can depend in part upon the individual circumstances of the the victim or defendant. Obviously, if the person has the financial means to defend themselves legally, this is not going to pose a problem. But for those who cannot, there are lawyers who offer their services for free to the economically disadvantaged; you only pay them if they help you win your case.

DUI is not a pretty sight. A police officer's demanding that you step out of your vehicle perhaps in front of friends and loved ones can be an embarrassing situation indeed. That's why you have rights. You have the right to an attorney who will represent you and defend your good name and reputation.

On the other hand, if the individual is an actual defendant, they still have rights as well-they have the right to a fair and just trial; perhaps there may have been factors that may have been overlooked, there may even be mitigating circumstances that may absolve or free the defendant from being criminally prosecuted.

Life is full of uncertainties-and injustices. No matter where a person may live, things are going to go wrong sooner or later. Perhaps-hopefully not-you may find your self in a court of law where you may need an attorney to represent you. When you're in trouble, an attorney can be your best friend.

And even in sunny, warm and relatively peaceful California, sometimes there are some that need legal assistance as well.

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