Saturday, September 18, 2010

Do you need a DUI Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney?

As you well know it takes time to go through the process of clearing a DUI record in Los Angeles. Some helpful tips on how to find the right Criminal Defense Lawyer will make the difference in getting an attorney that will help you clear your driving record.

How can a Criminal Defense Attorney Help me?
To make sure that your rights are protected through the legal process it is important to have an experienced criminal defense lawyer. In Los Angeles most criminal law cases can lead to a prison sentence. If you have been accused of a crime a defense attorney can defend your DUI case in court.

What should I know about DUI laws and penalties?
Drunk driving laws can vary from state to state. In California those driving under the influence can face heavy fines and penalties. The State of California charges drivers if their blood alcohol content is .08% or higher. The police officer that gives the sobriety tests will determine if your driving is unsafe. Those arrested will face a criminal court case as well as a DMV hearing.

How do I get my suspended license back?
A qualified Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer can help you with the necessary paperwork for getting your suspended license back. If you are arrested for drunk driving in California you will be required to go to First Offenders School. The consequences of driving under the influence can lead to jail time. Get help from a qualified professional who can work to get you a reduced sentence.

What to expect from First offenders program
You will be required to attend and complete a level one program. You can expect a fine, probation, freeway cleanup, license restriction, in addition to attending a first offender school for 3 months. You may qualify for a restricted license. Alcohol education will be required after receiving a court order. Hiring a legal representative will help you through the process of the arrest to license reinstatement. Although enrolled in a first time offender program it is still necessary to attend a DMV hearing.

Why it is important to get legal representation
Driving while impaired or intoxicated is a criminal offense. To avoid penalties as well as jail time it is important to use a experienced law professional who can help you regain your driving privileges. As you are probably aware having all the documents, evidence, witness details from the prosecution will help in your defense. The goal is to minimize or avoid court penalties.

Convicted drivers can expect an increase in insurance premiums or canceled coverage. Negotiating lower rates with your insurance provider may be difficult so hire help to find out about your options. The services of a skilled criminal defense team can help you navigate the court and DMV system. Operating a motor vehicle while impaired can lead to conviction so its best not to try and represent yourself in a trial case. To keep your drivers license and avoid jail, legal counsel can help you understand the consequences you will face.

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